Ditch Your Pitch

Create Sales Conversations that Instantly Intrigue Others

Course Summary

Do you ever wish you could instantly intrigue others with what you do?

Does it all come out in a way that doesn’t really ‘sell’ others that you are the answer they’ve been waiting for?

If you are like me, you’ve learned through the school of hard-knocks that it’s a difficult marketplace today if you aren’t one to ‘toot-your-own-horn’ very loudly…it’s even tougher to be heard.

And, I know, from being there myself, the last thing you want to be seen as is one of those infomercials people shouting “But Wait There’s More” or the Internet Spin Guru who are all hard-sell and smile and no substance. No wonder it feels as if we, as heart-centered specialists are getting sucked into having to sound salesy, slimily or sleazy with all the noise that’s out there now!

I know first hand that it can feel hard! AND it doesn’t have to be hard….

That’s why I created the small group coaching program called Ditch Your Pitch, Speak From Your Heart and Instantly Intrigue Others so you too can learn how easy it is to sell ‘you’ and what you do without boasting, bragging or sounding ‘salesy!’

In this three-lesson online live webinar course l provide you valuable, research-based tools, time-tested tips and hard-learned techniques that will show you how to ditch your pitch and speak from your heart whether your audience is 1 or 100s, for 1 minute, 10 minutes or an hour or more, plus Q&A time and action sheets.

The three modules are

1. Speak From Your Heart And Your Head with a simple, highly effective, non-salesy way that will turn “prospects” into paying clients that I like to call a one-sentence story. If you can retell something that has happened to you in the past, even if it’s a story about walking your dog, you can master the one-sentence story. Specific goal: Getting comfortable talking about what you do and nurturing multiple perfect descriptions about you and what makes your work special so you are prepared for any audience and opportunity.

2. How To Attract Clients Like Bees To Honey, even if you are petrified of speaking. (Look, I’m a self-confessed “shy” person and if I can do these techniques you can too.)  Specific goal: How to overcome anxiety and confusion when talking about you and your work using the gift of momentum building questions that get to the heart of their pain and their desired outcome and how you can be of service in getting that outcome. (This is not just another “Discovery Session” that leaves you both feeling sad….)

3. Connect Your Body, Mouth, and Heart so they flow as one using verbal and body language cues of confidence that work in any situation. Get over your fears! If you’re feeling desperate for clients or doubting yourself, those fears will come across more than you may realize. So let’s get those butterflies flying in formation. Specific goal: How to magically draw you closer to others using your voice and body language to support your message. Be you on purpose!Ditch Your Pitch isn’t just for work! You discover easy ways to build rapport in any situation, how to talk to others with ease and grace and how to foster quality relationships effortlessly in every part of your daily life too.

Ditch Your Pitch is a three-part live via webinar course with Sharon Sayler on each call and includes Q&As and easy to use worksheets. All three lessons will be recorded to listen and learn at your own pace if you can’t attend ‘live’ and Ditch Your Pitch includes simple to follow action sheets and the transcripts of the lessons will be in PDF format.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

Course Pricing

Single Payment

$397 USD

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Sharon Sayler

Sharon Sayler, MBA, PCC has been affectionately dubbed ‘the ‘Difficult People Whisperer,' for she teaches courageous, conscious communication skills.

Join one of the top 20 in the world for Body Language Expertise according to GlobalGurus.org, to learn how to immediately bring out your best so you too can inspire and influence the best in others.

Discover how to
• Release your natural public speaking & sales talents,
• Feel comfortable & in control even with ‘difficult people,’
• Build trust without saying a word,
• Create messages that speak to hearts and minds,
• Use proven nonverbal skills to increase influence & persuasion.

Ms. Sayler is an ICF PCC-certified coach, certified in Group Dynamics, LAB Profile, and more... Sharon is also a Dr. Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholders executive coach, trainer, speaker, best-selling author, and the founder of Competitive Edge Communications whose trainings increase your influence and persuasion skills quickly and easily.

Ms. Sayler is a published author with a perennial favorite being 'What Your Body Says and How to Master the Message' published by Wiley. She works with a wide range of clientele, private clients, executives, entrepreneurs, universities, corporations, and organizations such as Delta Airlines, Yale Graduate School of Management, Women’s Executive Leadership Council, and the International Coaching Federation. More at sharonsayler.com/gift/

Ms. Sayler is host of the #1 listened to wellness show on OMTimes Radio 'AutoImmune Hour' and is on all the popular podcast venues, Youtube and UnderstandingAutoimmune.com. A new interview is every Friday at 7PMET.